Lesson 8

Games aren't much fun if you can't lose them! Let's make it so when you hit a wall. CHUNK comes with a function to detect collisions between things, so we'll use that.

Add an if statement to the advanceGame function like so:

var advanceGame = function() {
  snake = moveSnake(snake);
  if (CHUNK.detectCollisionBetween(snake, CHUNK.gameBoundaries())) {
    CHUNK.flashMessage("Whoops! you hit a wall!");

Now, when there is a collision between the snake and the border we can have CHUNK end the game and let the player know the game is over.

Expected Results

What your snake.js file should look like:

var drawSnake = function(snakeToDraw) {
  var drawableSnake = { color: "green", pixels: snakeToDraw };
  var drawableObjects = [drawableSnake];

var moveSegment = function(segment) {
  switch(segment.direction) {
    case "down":
      return { top: segment.top + 1, left: segment.left };
    case "up":
      return { top: segment.top - 1, left: segment.left };
    case "right":
      return { top: segment.top, left: segment.left + 1 }
    case "left":
      return { top: segment.top, left: segment.left - 1 }
      return segment;

var moveSnake = function(snake) {
  var oldSegment = snake[0];
  var newSegment = moveSegment(oldSegment);
  newSegment.direction = oldSegment.direction;
  var newSnake = [newSegment];
  return newSnake;

var advanceGame = function() {
  snake = moveSnake(snake);
  if (CHUNK.detectCollisionBetween(snake, CHUNK.gameBoundaries())) {
    CHUNK.flashMessage("Whoops! you hit a wall!");

var changeDirection = function(direction) {
  snake[0].direction = direction;

var snake = [{ top: 0, left: 0, direction: "down" }];

CHUNK.executeNTimesPerSecond(advanceGame, 1);

How the game should work so far:

Syntax Breakdown

CHUNK.detectCollisionBetween takes two collections of coordinates and returns true if the collections share any pixels

CHUNK.endGame tells chunk to stop calling the advanceGame function, effectively ending the game.

CHUNK.flashMessage displays text to the user.

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