Lesson 9

Now that we can crash into a wall, lets have a snake longer than a single segment!

Currently, the moveSnake function only moves the first segment in the snake. Let's make it to move every segment! Change moveSnake to the following:

var moveSnake = function(snake) {
  var newSnake = [];
  snake.forEach(function(oldSegment) {
    var newSegment = moveSegment(oldSegment);
    newSegment.direction = oldSegment.direction;

  return newSnake;

forEach introduces looping. Looping allows us to do something multiple times. Looping (for, while, forEach, etc) and conditionals (if, switch)` both allow you to control the flow of the program.

Now that we can move many segments across the screen, let's add a second segment to our snake. Change the line that starts with var snake = ... to the following:

var snake = [{ top: 1, left: 0, direction: "down" }, { top: 0, left: 0, direction: "down" }];

Expected Results

What your snake.js file should look like:

var drawSnake = function(snakeToDraw) {
  var drawableSnake = { color: "green", pixels: snakeToDraw };
  var drawableObjects = [drawableSnake];

var moveSegment = function(segment) {
  switch(segment.direction) {
    case "down":
      return { top: segment.top + 1, left: segment.left };
    case "up":
      return { top: segment.top - 1, left: segment.left };
    case "right":
      return { top: segment.top, left: segment.left + 1 }
    case "left":
      return { top: segment.top, left: segment.left - 1 }
      return segment;

var moveSnake = function(snake) {
  var newSnake = [];
  snake.forEach(function(oldSegment) {
    var newSegment = moveSegment(oldSegment);
    newSegment.direction = oldSegment.direction;

  return newSnake;

var advanceGame = function() {
  snake = moveSnake(snake);
  if (CHUNK.detectCollisionBetween(snake, CHUNK.gameBoundaries())) {
    CHUNK.flashMessage("Whoops! you hit a wall!");

var changeDirection = function(direction) {
  snake[0].direction = direction;

var snake = [{ top: 1, left: 0, direction: "down" }, { top: 0, left: 0, direction: "down" }];

CHUNK.executeNTimesPerSecond(advanceGame, 1);

How the game should work so far:

You'll notice that if you play the game, the second segment always just moves down. This is OK for now!

Syntax Breakdown

array.forEach allows us to call a function with each item in a collection. This is a very common kind of loop and is very powerful.

array.push adds the element it is given to the array it is called in.

Play Time!

  • array.map is another kind of loop that makes it easy to build a new collection from an existing collection. Rewrite the moveSnake function to use array.map instead of array.forEach
  • The for and while loops are also quite common. They are more generally useful but harder to use than the collection based forEach and map functions. How could you write moveSnake with either for or while?

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